So many places to sail to... Are you confused how to reach them? Fear not! We are here to give you some tips to understand our navigation system better.
-Respawn & Receiver
Rather than having islands and locations on certain points on a map, we have a respawn system. Which means the islands reappear in different locations while you keep sailing. If you ever have a problem getting to a place, you have most likely past that island and now it is behind you. Don't worry! Just keep sailing and the place will respawn in another position in no time, as long as you have the specific frequency for that location!
Receiver has 3 different colored dots to show locations:
Green: This dot shows big islands that are not connected to frequencies.
Blue: This dot shows frequency islands like Radio Tower when you are close to them but the frequency is not correct.
Selected Blue: This dot shows when you have entered a valid frequency.
Streamer always shows the direction the raft will sail towards without paddle, sail or engines. This is set to a certain direction and it never changes
-Engine & Steering Wheel
The engine allows you to change the sailing direction and sail against the wind, steering wheel lets you turn the raft around.